Sunday, November 2, 2008

Vote on November 4, 2008!
The Asian American Vote = Our Voice Counts!

Voting represents an opportunity to voice your opinion on issues that affect your family, friends and community. Will you be voting on Tuesday, November 4? This is a historic election, and Asian Americans can and should be a part of this history. Please be sure to get out and vote! Our vote is our voice! Polls are open from 7am-8pm. If you are unsure of your polling location or would like information about how to vote absentee, go to


If you have any problems on Election Day, call the Asian American Legal Defense & Education Fund at 800-966-5946 or call 866-OUR-VOTE. You have the right to ask for assistance from a pollworker. You have the right to bring someone of your choice into the voting booth to assist you with voting (except employer or union official). Election workers will ask voters to show a photo ID as part of the usual ballot application process at the polls. If you do not have identification, you can still vote! You just need to sign an affidavit at your polling location saying you do not have identification in your possession.

Questions? Email or

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