Friday, November 7, 2008

"I am Asian American and I vote!"

From some participants at our November 1 rally. I am voting on November 4, 2008 because...

"...I want the voice of Asian Americans to be heard and our issue will be taken care of."

"...This is a historic election and moving forward, I can foresee that Asian American President of the United States of America."

"...I want to participate in the process and make a difference."

"...It is my right. I want to vote for the candidate that will make America safe."

"...I think our country is going in the wrong direction and we really do need a change!"

"...I want to have a voice in deciding who will run our country. Many people have died or suffered for us to have this right. Many other countries don't have this freedom."

"...If I don't vote, I don't have a say in how the economy and government impacts my life and the lives of my family members."

"...I want to help make a better difference in America, which is so necessary during a time like this."

"...I care a great deal about the economic health and the geopolitical standing of this republic in the global order."

"...It matters who we elect!"

"...I am a citizen who wants to be a responsible citizen."

"...I want my voice to be heard on issues that affect my community."

Thanks everyone for voting in this historic election!

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