Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New APIAVote-Michigan blog!

Welcome to the new blog for APIAVote-Michigan!

This is where we will post announcements, events, volunteer opportunities, news, and more. We can also use the blog as a forum for discussion on various topics within the Asian American community in Michigan.

APIAVote-Michigan has many great activities planned in order to register, educate, and mobilize Asian Americans to vote in 2008!!

Please help sustain this important and groundbreaking work by contributing $20, $50, or a donation of any amount.
Checks can be made out to "APIAVote" with "Michigan" in the memo line, and sent to: 5105 Trumbull St, #2-N, Detroit, MI 48208.

Have a wonderful day, everyone! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray-- A blog! This is really exciting!